It’s not to late to join Chris Wild’s Data to Insight: An Introduction to Data Analysis MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses)
Kia orana all,
Not long before the seniors leave for external achievement examinations study!
1: L1 Internal exemplars updated on NZQA
These have been posted, except for 91033….not sure why the latter is not there yet.
2: Scholarships for tertiary studies
Grouped the scholarships in three categories:
Company-funded – scholarships from DairyNZ, Fulton Hogan, Hubbards, New Zealand Steel, Orion Health, Plant & Food Research, Rakon, Scion, Transpower, Transfield Worley, Westland Milk Products.
Other organisations – Royal Society of New Zealand, EPECentre, Zonta International, Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ), Australasian Hydrographic Society, NZ Institute of Surveyors, Edna Waddell Scholarships for Women in Technology & Engineering.
Māori + Pasifika – scholarships specifically for Māori and Pasifika students offered by trusts, iwi and other organisations.
other support:
Tertiary providers – polytechnics, institutes of technology and universities – are another good source of information, and generally have a Scholarships Office that can help you look for financial support for your studies:
University Scholarships Offices
Polytechnic and Institute of Technology Scholarships Offices
See also:
Cadetships – find out how you can complete a diploma or degree in engineering, surveying, CAD draughting or IT while working in industry.
Course Finder – use our database of tertiary-level technology, engineering and science courses to explore what and where to study.
BreakOut is the website with the most comprehensive lists of awards, scholarships and grants. To read it online you have to pay a subscription but paper copies are held at most libraries and citizens advice bureaus (CAB) around the country.
StudyLink – information about student loans and allowances.
3: WMA November events
November has lots of treasures in store.
Friday 14th HOD Day at Gear Homestead 9.00 – 3.00 $40 Registration_forms_2014 HOD Day
Thurs 20th PRT Day at The Dowse 9.00 – 3.00 Free SignupsheetforVUWgraduatesPRTDay
Wed 26th Ed day at NZSA conference VUW 1.00 – 4.00 $40 NZSA Conference Stat Education and Applications invite
Thurs 27th Maths & Stats teacher day at VUW 9.00 – 3.00 Free MathsStatsTeacherDayProgramme (1)
Note that the MMP day pencilled in for 1 November has been cancelled.
WMA contact: Bruce Welsh
Kia pai to rā
Mathematics National Co-ordinator/Central South Facilitator (Secondary)
Education Support Services
University of Otago College of Education
PO Box 56 Dunedin 9054
Mau ki te ako-Te Tapuae o Rehua Consortium
M: 021 913 150
Middle Leaders Website
Mathematics resources
The University of Auckland and Auckland Mathematics Association present a series of Plenary sessions and workshops. The theme this year is “Communicating Statistics”
Registrations are now open for the annual Statistics teacher’s day. Please register online.
All information about the day, including workshop information and online registration can be found at:
We recommend that you don’t wait for school approval to attend before you register.
You can withdraw your registration with no penalty as long as we know by Monday, 17 November.
Registration for workshops will be on a first-in, first–served basis.
Please note the change in venue to Epsom Campus this year.
Important news about the New Zealand leg of the ISLP poster competition.
The closing date for the competition has been extended to 28th February 2015. If you have not already done so, please register your school by contacting the NZ country co-ordinator- Emma Mawby-
Entries are being accepted from now until the new closing date.
Emma Mawby
New Zealand Country Co-ordinator for ISLP
The CMA presents another Statistics Teachers’ day: “Fostering Statistical Confidence”
When: Thursday the 13th of November, 8:30 – 4pm.
Where: University of Canterbury Undercroft 101 (click for map)
Who: Lillian Grace as our Plenary Speaker and many more acts to be confirmed!
Cost: $20 members, $40 non-members (includes 2014 membership)
Please put this date in your diaries and register now!
Kristian Giles
Secretary for the CMA
Here is a link for the Mathematics Facilitator (Secondary) 2014 survey.
The URL to the survey is:
The replies that we receive will help craft and focus on the demands that Middle leaders and teachers are experiencing and require support in next year.
Can you please aim to complete the survey by the end of this term (Last day 26th September).
The 2013 survey was very useful in crafting the Mathematics Facilitator (Secondary) PLD for this year, e.g. the Literacy/Mathematics workshops would not have happened if there had not been the demand shown from the survey.
Jake Wills from Westlake Boys High School has created a Youtube channel for those of you getting started with NZGrapher with some tutorial videos on it. You can access this here:
Recent changes include:
- Added in informal confidence intervals for dot plots (this if for the Year 12 internal)
- Changed the way the labels for this button appear as well to make it more clear what each one does.
The following changes have also been made in an attempt to get students to write about what they see rather than what is calculated as a first step:
- Scatter plots no longer automatically add in the trend line, this must be added in by clicking the ‘Regression Line’ button.
- Dot plots no longer automatically show the summary statistics or box and whiskers, this must be added in by clicking the ‘Summaries’ or ‘Box Plots’ buttons.
MathsNZ and NZGrapher are free for you to use. If you want Jake to create a folder for you so you can upload your own datasets for all your students to access easily without having to download them and re-upload them, contact Jake at MathsNZ.
New Zealand teachers if you have not yet used Tinker plots here is your chance! Used in conjunction with Ruth Kaniuk’s resources this will enhance the way you teach probability concepts. Use the author advanced search function on C@S to find all of Ruth’s resources.
Today we are releasing Version 2.2 of TinkerPlots. This is a special, free version, which will expire in a year — August 31, 2015.
To start the downloading process
Go to the TinkerPlots home page and click on the Download TinkerPlots link in the right hand panel. You’ll fill out a form. Shortly after submitting it, you’ll get an email with a link for downloading.
Help others find the TinkerPlots Download page
If you have a website, blog, or use a social media site, please help us get the word out so others can find the new TinkerPlots Download page. You could mention that you are using TinkerPlots 2.2 and link to
Why is this an expiring version?
As we explained in this correspondence, until January of 2014, TinkerPlots was published and sold by Key Curriculum, a division of McGraw Hill Education. Their decision to cease publication caught us off guard, and we have yet to come up with an alternative publishing plan. We created this special expiring version to meet the needs of users until we can get a new publishing plan in place.
What will happen after version 2.2 expires?
By August 2015, we will either have a new publisher lined up, or we will create another free version. What is holding us up right now is our negotiations with the University of Massachusetts Amherst, who currently owns TinkerPlots. Once they have decided about their future involvement with TinkerPlots, we can complete our discussions with various publishing partners.
If I have versions 2.0 or 2.1 should I delete them?
No, you should keep them. You already paid for these, and they are not substantively different from version 2.2. If and when a new version of TinkerPlots is ready for sale, you may not want to pay for it. So keep your early version that you’ve already paid for.
Cliff and Craig
Michelle Dalrymple of Cashmere High School and Royal Society teacher fellow, has edited and put into a user friendly format 2 large data sets from Statistics New Zealand and one from C@S.
These are now available in the data viewer on C@S and iNZight to sample from.
Data summary
- 10,000 observations (synthesized newborn children)
- 29 variables – 20 categorical and nine numeric variables
Data summary
- 29447 observations (synthesized people)
- Eight variables – five categorical, 1 grouped numeric (age bands) and two numeric variables
NOTE: These are large data sets suitable for exploratory use with Achievement Standards
91035 (1.10), 91036 (1.11), 91264 (2.9), 91581 (3.9) and 91582 (3.10)
Census at School Data Sets (UK, NZ, OZ, CA)
Comparison for these 4 countries is now possible.