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Maths Week 2021 is coming!

Maths Week runs from 9 — 13 August 2021

Activities include:

  • Survivor Series/Kia Mōrehurehu.
  • Maths Millionaire/Kaipāngarau Whai Rawa.
  • The Maths Chaser/Whai Pāngarau.
  • Daily Dollar/Ko te Tāra o te Rā.
  • Money Wise/Pūtea Mōhio.
  • Super Challenge/Kua takoto te Manuka.
  • The Basket of Mathematics/Te kete o te Pāngara.
  • Interactive games.

For more, see:

Maths Week 2020 is being held between 10 August and Friday 14 August.

Maths Week provides resources for students and teachers.  The material Maths Week is written for all students from Year 1 through to Year 11 at different levels:

  • Level 1 – primarily for Years 1 and 2.
  • Level 2 – primarily for Years 3 and 4.
  • Level 3 – primarily for Years 5 and 6.
  • Level 4 – primarily for Years 7 and 8.
  • Level 5 – primarily for Years 9, 10 and 11.

One of the Maths Week series (Maths Millionaire) has also been translated into te reo Māori.

Teachers who register for Maths Week have access to answers to questions and other notes.

Maths Week resources are available free, on-line, to teachers, parents and students.

For teachers to register themselves and their class numbers, go to

Maths Week 2020

Maths Week 2020 will be on from Monday 10 August until Friday 14 August.

Last year there were 288 441 students and 6657 teachers registered throughout New Zealand.  This is an increase of 5594 students and 543 teachers from 2018.

Maths Week is written for all students from Year 1 through to Year 11.

It is available free, on-line, to teachers, parents and students.

Maths Week material is written:

  • to encourage students’ interest in mathematics and statistics
  • to give teachers resources that they can use in the classroom, particularly material that requires some research and which may not be readily available to them, or that can be used electronically in class
  • to show the pleasure that mathematics can provide and some of the everyday places where it can be used
  • to give teachers material that can provide extension.

Maths Week has five levels:

  • Level 1 – primarily for Years 1 and 2.
  • Level 2 – primarily for Years 3 and 4.
  • Level 3 – primarily for Years 5 and 6.
  • Level 4 – primarily for Years 7 and 8.
  • Level 5 – primarily for Years 9, 10 and 11.

This year, the Maths Week sections are similar to those of 2019.

  • Survivor series. A series of in-class tasks at levels 1 – 5 for each day during Maths Week.  Each day’s tasks has a theme (the same theme for all levels).
  • Maths Millionaire. Maths questions, with junior (Years 5 and 6), middle (Years 7 and 8), senior (Years 9 – 11) and family divisions.
  • The Maths Chaser. Maths questions at each of levels 2 – 5.
  • Daily Dollar. Maths activities at each of levels 1 – 5.
  • Dollars and cents. Questions to encourage financial capability (primarily for Years 9 – 11) for each day during Maths Week.  Each day’s questions has a theme.
  • Super Challenge. One mathematical challenge each day for four days.  Those who answer all four correctly can get a certificate.
  • Some Maths Matters. Five chapters on various mathematical topics.
  • Two interactive games.

Maths Millionaire and the games are easily accessed by students on their tablets or phones.

Teachers who register for Maths Week have access to answers to questions and other notes.

For teachers to register themselves and their class numbers, go to

Are your students ready for an on-line statistical modeling challenge for maths week!? Expose your students to future careers that will be found at the intersection of data, visual arts and modelling.

Anna Fergusson has created a word difficulty ranking generator, students can gather data to try and model and predict a ‘readability score’. Statistics teachers if you would like to find out more background about the challenge visit Anna’s website.

How will the challenge run?

Monday to Tuesday

Students test their own words through the on-line text analyser, record data from these tests, and try to develop a way to predict the readability score. They should make some notes/diagrams for their model and use these to predict readability scores for the first set of reserved words.

Wednesday to Thursday

Students have access to check the first set of reserved words. They enter the readability score they would predict for each reserved word, and see how this compares to the actual readability score. This should help them refine their prediction model.


Students have access to check the second set of reserved words. They enter the readability score they would predict for each reserved word, and see how this compares to the actual readability score. They should only do this once (i.e. this should be their final evaluation of the model).

Keen to give it a go?

Here’s the place to send students:

Important news about the New Zealand leg of the ISLP poster competition.

The closing date for the competition has been extended to 28th February 2015. If you have not already done so, please register your school by contacting the NZ country co-ordinator- Emma Mawby-

Entries are being accepted from now until the new closing date.

Emma Mawby
New Zealand Country Co-ordinator for ISLP


Secondary school students from around the world are eligible to enter into the International Year of Statistics (Statistics2013) photo contest.  

Students are to send in a photo which they have taken themselves of something which effectively illustrates the impact of statistics, along with a title and description.

Entries must be received by November 1 and winners will be announced in the middle of December.

The grand prize is $800US, with a further three prizes of $350US, $200US and $150US per continent.

Learn more

Your students are invited to enter the ISLP Statistics Poster Competition for 2012-2013.

The theme for the 2012 – 2013 competition is Agriculture.

Entry is free. Posters are to be prepared in teams of two or three students for an investigation into an issue of interest using the statistical enquiry cycle on any topic within the general theme “Agriculture” (for example, agriculture and domesticated animals/food/industry/urban development etc.).

Data used can be collected by students or be previously published by someone else. If the data is published, the source must be cited in the poster. Posters must be the original design and creation of students. The poster must be on one single sheet, one-sided with maximum size A1. Maximum file size is 2 MB.

Posters must not contain any information about students or schools that prepared them. All entries become the property of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and cannot be returned. By submitting a poster, students give permission for their work to be displayed at various ISI conferences, special events, in publications and promotional material, and in electronic format on the Internet.

There is further support material available on the International Statistical Literacy Project website, including guidelines for making a statistical poster, judging criteria and links to the ISLP registration form and on Facebook

The competition is divided into two age categories:

  • students born in 1997 and younger [approximately Year 7 – 10] and,
  • students born in 1994 and younger [approximately Years 11 – 13]

Prizes for National Winners will be awarded to the best posters in each age category.

1st Prize in each age category is $500

We thank our sponsors – AGResearch, New Zealand Statistical Association, NZAMT, University of Waikato and University of Auckland – Department of Statistics – for their support.

Important dates

  • Preparation of posters in schools: Term 4 2012 and Term 1 2013
  • Submission of posters to National Coordinator: 29 March 2013
  • National Winners Announced: 1 May 2013
  • International Winners Announced: ISI 2013 Hong Kong

For further information contact:

National Coordinator Dr Sashi Sharma,
Faculty of Education
University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105
Hamilton 3240