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3 News video

TV3 tonight?

Unfortunately we were notified at the very last minute that the CensusAtSchool story was pulled from 3 News last night due to the late breaking Osama bin Laden news yesterday which took up a lot of the news hour.

We hope that the story will screen on 3 News tonight!

Welcome back… we’re SO excited that CensusAtSchool launches today!!!

Please get your students to take part by visiting:
(Make sure you register first – you’ll be automatically emailed a code for your class to use.)


When can my students take part?
Any time during school hours from May 2 – June 10

What should I do to prepare beforehand?
Read through the Making Measures document

Help! I can’t find my registration code, what do I do?
Simply re-register

Have another question?


For urgent inquiries, phone Rachel Cunliffe: 027 3833 746

We’ll get back to you quickly!

3 News story

Just a quick note to let you know a story on CensusAtSchool is being filmed right now for 3 News tonight!

We’ll let you know the link when it’s up online too, but thought you might like to tune in and tell your students!

The Press is running a story today on CensusAtSchool.

New Zealand pupils returning to school next Monday will be taking part in an international children’s census.

The Year 5-10 students will be taking all sorts of measurements – from the length of their hair and fingers to the weight of their school bags – for CensusAtSchool, an educational project hosted by the Department of Statistics at the University of Auckland in association with Statistics New Zealand and the Ministry of Education. This is the fifth time CensusAtSchool has been held in New Zealand, and it is also run in Australia, Canada, Ireland, Japan, South Africa, UK and USA says the project’s co-director Rachel Cunliffe.

Although the Statistics New Zealand’s national 2011 Census which had been planned for March 8 was not held in the wake of Christchurch’s February 22 earthquake, the online CensusAtSchool, a separate initiative, has been able to continue says Cunliffe.

“CensusAtSchool is about teaching pupils the value of statistics in everyday life. The data will be analysed together in the classroom, and they’ll end up with a unique view of themselves – and we’ll all have an insight into New Zealand life for young people that we couldn’t get in any other way.”

Cunliffe says the CensusAtSchool, to be run by over 700 teachers will also test the pupils’ memory and reaction skills through two simple games. They will also be asked to predict which two teams will come out on top in this year’s Rugby World Cup and the teams’ scores.

Cunliffe says pupils will also be quizzed on their favourite school subject and that of their mothers. When the data is returned to them to use in the classroom, they’ll be able to explore whether there’s any connections between the two sets of preferences.

It’s almost the end of the term and we know you’re looking forward to a well-earned lovely two week break!!

We just wanted to remind you that it’s time to take part in CensusAtSchool when you get back.

3 things you can do now:

  1. Register if you haven’t already
  2. Book in computer lab time for your class if needed
  3. Download and read the teacher information pack (Word file)
  4. Oh and… please spread the word to other teachers!

Stay tuned for more updates.

Preview the 2011 questions!

You can now preview the questions for this year’s CensusAtSchool:

New questions include:

Asking the students for their mother’s favourite learning area when she was at school (in addition to their own favourite learning area). It will be fun to explore if there are any patterns between these two!

A matching pairs memory game. Who’s the fastest?

Rugby World cup predictions – which teams will be in the final and what will be the final score?

Let us know what you think of these!

We wanted to let you know about a fantastic new Level 4 resource on our site:

How high can you jump?

This resource focuses on the planning part of the enquiry cycle: collecting good, reliable data from surveys.

CensusAtSchool update:

Remember to register and book a computer lab for your class to take part in May.

Can you help spread the word and let other teachers know?
We’d love to get the biggest participation ever this year!

This year we’ll be asking questions on lots of topics including getting your students to predict the final two teams and their scores for the Rugby World Cup.

CensusAtSchool is a nationwide online survey for Year 5 – 13 students which provides real, relevant data and classroom activities to enhance statistical enquiry across the curriculum.

We’ll keep you updated via email newsletters in the lead up to CensusAtSchool in May.