Teaching Statistics Through Data Investigation MOOC for Educators

Dear Awesome Teacher of Statistics

Have you heard of the Teaching Statistics Through Data Investigation MOOC for Educators? We continue to serve teachers from across the globe and have over 400 participants in the current session (open until June 30, 2017). Need a refresher? join us–it is still free!

Yearning for more??? Well I’d like to share a few opportunities and resources.

1. We will launch a SECOND Teaching Statistics course Fall 2017!  This course is a follow-up to TSDI and specifically focuses on Teaching Statistics Through Inferential Reasoning.  See the course description and outline here. If you have a favorite task, or online app, or video or other resource that helps you teach students to reason about using data and statistical ideas to make generalizations (informally or formally) beyond the data, we would love to feature some of your ideas in the new course (credited to you of course!)!  Please complete this brief form and upload (or provide links to) your favorite resources.

2. Learn about our new initiative for being a Hub for Innovation and Research in Statistics Education [http://hirise.fi.ncsu.edu/] and join our Facebook community so we can stay connected. https://www.facebook.com/groups/hirise.fi/

3. If you have not seen the Stats4Stem website, check it out!  It is a fantastic website full of resources for statistics teachers and their students to assist with teaching, learning, and assessment in statistics. http://www.stats4stem.org/

4. Want a free online tool for exploratory data analysis! Check out the ever-improving CODAP tool at http://codap.concord.org/

5. If you are interested in pursuing a graduate degree in statistics or mathematics education at NC State, check out  our PhD and Masters degrees! Not able to move to Raleigh?? Then consider the 12 credit (4 classes) online graduate certificate in Statistics Education! I’d love to continue learning with you!

Thank you for your continued commitment to making the world a better place through statistics and data literacy. Together we make a difference.

Many Smiles,

Hollylynne Lee

Professor, Mathematics and Statistics Education
University Faculty Scholar
Department of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education
Faculty Fellow, Friday Institute for Educational Innovation
NC State University