News › 2015

Kia ora koutou,

As many of you will know, the CAS/TataurangaKiTeKura questionnaire is available in te reo Māori so children in bilingual and immersion units can make the most of it.

What you may not know is that we are working on adapting and translating our existing English-language resources for the reo-Māori classroom to ensure that we are as relevant as possible to as many classrooms as possible. We have already completed several and you will find them if you use “te reo Māori” as a search phrase.

We have also produced a bilingual leaflet – in English on one side and Māori on the other – about the benefits of CAS, and it will be given out at meetings of kaiako pāngarau (maths teachers) at various hui over the next few months. The leaflet is here – feel free to make use of it. Tēnā rawa atu koutou!


Jim Campbell Teaching Awards

Is there a teacher whose resources you have used or have helped you clarify your teaching that you would like to Nominate?
Nominations forms for this award are in the 23rd February Education Gazette and on the NZAMT website: and
Nominations close 2nd April. The awards will be presented at the NZAMT15 conference held in Auckland in July.

3 things to do right now (will only take a few minutes):

  1. Register yourself
    Even if you have registered before, you must re-register for the 2015 census
  2. Preview the questions: English / Te Reo
  3. Get the teachers pack
    The teachers pack is very important this year as there are new questions about bullying. Students need to be given accurate information and support to answer these.