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News › 2014

Sharleen Forbe’s history paper ‘The coming of age of statistics education in New Zealand, and its influence internationally‘ has just been published in the Journal of Statistics Education. 



Some information regarding the next few weeks.

The Statistical Education day at the NZ Statistical Association conference on Wednesday 26 November: cutoff for registrations on Thurdsay 20 November

The conference organisers invite teachers to attend this day. Details are on the conference website. At upper left, see 7th green button.

Advertisement for the Bevan Werry Speaker

I have now been a Bevan Werry speaker for one year, and in that capacity I have been visiting mathematics associations around the country, talking to teachers and students of mathematics. I have been engaged in mathematics outreach activities in Wellington for a number of years, and the Bevan Werry speakership has let me present some of those activities to a larger audience. The general theme of the exercises is to expose students to profound ideas from modern mathematics that don’t play a part in NCEA assessment. So I have played combinatorial games with students in Christchurch, tied students into knots in Greymouth, and set students in Palmerston North on a search for a ‘busy beaver’ function.

If you would like to discuss a visit to your school or association, please contact me at

NZ data website – Wiki New Zealand 

Gathering all our data in one place and making it visual


Thursday 27th Maths and Stats teachers day investigating the link between schools and university through level 3 standards.  A link to that website is here 11th December.  The Royal Society presents “The Art of Mathematics” with Prof Marcus Du Sautoy.  See below for details.

Kia pai to rā


Mathematics National Co-ordinator/Central South Facilitator (Secondary).
Education Support Services
University of Otago College of Education
PO Box 56 Dunedin 9054
Mau ki te ako-Te Tapuae o Rehua Consortium
M: 021 913 150

Middle Leaders Website
Mathematics resources

Kia orana Pangarau te Whanau


If you have a little spare playtime have a look at the online version of iNZight under development at:


The October 2014 newsletter has been published at:

Investing in Educational Success (IES)

There is an article in the 28th October Gazette on IES. The process for this component is, teachers put in a project concept first which must involve at least 3 teachers, then they put in their proposal. A panel will decide who gets approved.

IEB Programme

New inclusive education resources on-line: Teachers and Teachers Aides, Who does what? Supporting students who are blind, deaf/blind or have low vision.

Statistics Education day at NZSA+ORSNZ conference; Wedn 26 Nov

Plans for the Statistics Education day at the NZSA+ORSNZ conference, Wednesday 26 Nov, have progressed rapidly, are finalised nicely, and are on the conference website. Please see and the green buttons at top left. The 7th one is ours: ‘Statistical Education Session’.

The conference organisers welcome registrations for the day. Teachers could arrive for the 9 am sessions (and choose which one they go to), the 11AM plenary, or the1PM Statistics Education presentations. We’ll be finished by 4.40 pm.

Full details are on the Statistics Education page: the themes, the titles and abstracts for the 10 presentations, and the process for registering with the $40 fee. The title and abstract for Alan Brookhart’s plenary are in the Programme page.

STUDYIT is now at full steam for some Time Series data on the website use.

Study and exam advice

Study advice
Helps you plan your study, set goals and study routines and, most importantly, to relax and not stress. You can also download your own weekly study planner.

Examination advice
Gives ideas on how to prepare for exams, and has tips for making the most of what you know.

Make the most of Studyit
Shows how to find revision materials for English, mathematics, and sciences.

General revision sites
Useful sites that have revision notes for most subjects.


Revision basics
Study skills for students
Revision tips
Study guides and strategies
Basic steps in the research process
The Pulse – Learning styles
VARK – A guide to learning styles
Maths study strategies
Maths study skills self-survey
Making an oral presentation
Answering assignment questions

Kia pai to rā


Mathematics National Co-ordinator/Central South Facilitator (Secondary).

Education Support Services

University of Otago College of Education

PO Box 56 Dunedin 9054

Mau ki te ako-Te Tapuae o Rehua Consortium

M: 021 913 150


Middle Leaders Website


Mathematics resources


Data to Insight

It’s not to late to join Chris Wild’s Data to Insight: An Introduction to Data Analysis MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses)

The course will be available through the summer if your a late starter, ideal for learning Statistical techniques in your own time.
You will have access to quality resources to download for your Statistics classes next year. Also a great way to get started with iNZight.
Many teachers from around the country and around the world are already enjoying exploring data sets.
Hope to see you there!
CensusAtSchool Team

Kia orana all,

Not long before the seniors leave for external achievement examinations study!

1: L1 Internal exemplars updated on NZQA
These have been posted, except for 91033….not sure why the latter is not there yet.

2: Scholarships for tertiary studies
Grouped the scholarships in three categories:
Company-funded – scholarships from DairyNZ, Fulton Hogan, Hubbards, New Zealand Steel, Orion Health, Plant & Food Research, Rakon, Scion, Transpower, Transfield Worley, Westland Milk Products.
Other organisations – Royal Society of New Zealand, EPECentre, Zonta International, Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ), Australasian Hydrographic Society, NZ Institute of Surveyors, Edna Waddell Scholarships for Women in Technology & Engineering.
Māori + Pasifika – scholarships specifically for Māori and Pasifika students offered by trusts, iwi and other organisations.
other support:
Tertiary providers – polytechnics, institutes of technology and universities – are another good source of information, and generally have a Scholarships Office that can help you look for financial support for your studies:
University Scholarships Offices
Polytechnic and Institute of Technology Scholarships Offices
See also:
Cadetships – find out how you can complete a diploma or degree in engineering, surveying, CAD draughting or IT while working in industry.
Course Finder – use our database of tertiary-level technology, engineering and science courses to explore what and where to study.
BreakOut is the website with the most comprehensive lists of awards, scholarships and grants. To read it online you have to pay a subscription but paper copies are held at most libraries and citizens advice bureaus (CAB) around the country.
StudyLink – information about student loans and allowances.

3: WMA November events
November has lots of treasures in store.
Friday 14th HOD Day at Gear Homestead  9.00 – 3.00   $40 Registration_forms_2014 HOD Day

Thurs 20th PRT Day at The Dowse  9.00 – 3.00   Free  SignupsheetforVUWgraduatesPRTDay

Wed 26th   Ed day at NZSA conference VUW  1.00 – 4.00  $40  NZSA Conference Stat Education and Applications invite

Thurs 27th Maths & Stats teacher day at VUW  9.00 – 3.00  Free MathsStatsTeacherDayProgramme (1)

Note that the MMP day pencilled in for 1 November has been cancelled.
WMA contact: Bruce Welsh

Kia pai to rā

Mathematics National Co-ordinator/Central South Facilitator (Secondary)
Education Support Services
University of Otago College of Education
PO Box 56 Dunedin 9054
Mau ki te ako-Te Tapuae o Rehua Consortium
M: 021 913 150
Middle Leaders Website
Mathematics resources

The University of Auckland  and Auckland Mathematics Association present a series of Plenary sessions and workshops. The theme this year is “Communicating Statistics”

Registrations are now open for the annual Statistics teacher’s day. Please register online.

All information about the day, including workshop information and online registration can be found at:

We recommend that you don’t wait for school approval to attend before you register.

You can withdraw your registration with no penalty as long as we know by Monday, 17 November.

Registration for workshops will be on a first-in, first–served basis.

Please note the change in venue to Epsom Campus this year.

Important news about the New Zealand leg of the ISLP poster competition.

The closing date for the competition has been extended to 28th February 2015. If you have not already done so, please register your school by contacting the NZ country co-ordinator- Emma Mawby-

Entries are being accepted from now until the new closing date.

Emma Mawby
New Zealand Country Co-ordinator for ISLP


Fostering Statistical Confidence
After a strong Year 13 focus in previous years the CMA plan to give an overview of Senior Statistics in general – an insight into iNZight, researching the use of research and experimenting with experiments.
 When: Thursday the 13th of November, 8:30 – 4pm.
Where: Univerity of Canterbury Undercroft 101 (click for map)
Who: Lillian Grice as our Plenary Speaker and 14 other presenters. (See the attachment for an abstract and Session A – D descriptions)
Cost: $20 members, $40 non-members (includes 2014 membership; invoice attached with flyer)
Full abstracts of workshops:  Workshop sign up:
Food kindly provided by the Univeristy of Canterbury.
Please contact CMA if you require transport from the airport.
Should be a great day!
Kristian Giles
Secretary for the CMA


The CMA presents another Statistics Teachers’ day: “Fostering Statistical Confidence

When: Thursday the 13th of November, 8:30 – 4pm.

Where: University of Canterbury Undercroft 101 (click for map)

Who: Lillian Grace as our Plenary Speaker and many more acts to be confirmed!


Cost: $20 members, $40 non-members (includes 2014 membership)



Please put this date in your diaries and register now!

Kristian Giles

Secretary for the CMA

We are currently preparing for CensusAtSchool 2015/16! The current survey (2013/2014) will remain open until the end of the 2014 school year.

The new questionnaire will be available to preview later this year, along with more details about registering and important dates.

Thank you to all the teachers who have provided ideas and feedback for next year’s questionnaire.