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More than 10,000 Kiwi students take part in CensusAtSchool: sneak peek at results

More than 10,000 Year 5-13 students from all over New Zealand have taken part so far in this year’s educational and fun CensusAtSchool online survey.

The project gives students access to a rich and comprehensive snapshot of their generation which they can explore and make exciting discoveries about in the classroom. CensusAtSchool has previously been run in 2003 and 2005 and this latest snapshot will also enable children to compare themselves with data from the last two surveys.

A sneak peek at a few of the results so far show that 48% of students taking part have a Bebo page and 46% have a TV in their bedroom.

The Top 10 favourite websites so far for boys taking part are:

1. Bebo
2. YouTube
3. Google
4. Miniclip
5. RuneScape
6. TradeMe
7. AddictingGames
8. WWE
9. PokemonCrater
10. ClubPenguin

The Top 10 favourite websites so far for girls taking part are:

1. Bebo
2. Google
3. YouTube
4. Miniclip
5. Stardoll
6. Neopets
7. ClubPenguin
8. Disney
9. TradeMe
10. MSN

CensusAtSchool is part of an international effort to boost statistical capability among young people, and is also conducted in the UK, Australia, Canada and South Africa. CensusAtSchool started in Maths Week and runs from 13 August until 30 September. The project is sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Statistics New Zealand and the Department of Statistics of the University of Auckland. Over 1,700 teachers have registered their classes to take part.

Further results and classroom resources are made available through this website.