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Margaret and John Kalman Charitable Trust Mathematics Teaching Prize

The Margaret and John Kalman Charitable Trust is generously donating $30,000+ every year to recognise the achievements of Primary, Intermediate and Secondary school Mathematics and Statistics teachers in New Zealand. John Kalman was a professor of Mathematics at the University of Auckland from 1964 to 1993, and a leading promoter of Mathematics in New Zealand.

At least six prizes of $5000 are available. A commemorative certificate will be presented to the winning teachers.

Applications are invited from any Primary, Intermediate, or Secondary school teacher in New Zealand. Groups of teachers who have collaborated on a specific project may also submit a joint application.

The judging panel will include a representative from the Margaret and John Kalman Charitable Trust, a representative of the Executive of the Primary Mathematics Association (PMA) and/or the University of Auckland, and a representative from the Department of Mathematics at the University of Auckland.


Any examples of excellence in the teaching of Mathematics and Statistics at Primary, Intermediate, and Secondary school level will be considered.  Examples from the following categories are particularly welcome.

Stimulation of Interest – teachers who have inspired student interest in mathematics or statistics by making the subject exciting and relevant.

Teaching Innovation – teachers who have introduced new ways of making mathematical or statistical concepts more fun to learn and more able to be understood.

Teaching Excellence – teachers who have demonstrated the integration of research in mathematics or statistics education into their classroom practice.

Early Career Teaching Excellence – teachers who have demonstrated excellence in their teaching of Mathematics and/or Statistics during their first five years of their career.

Equity – teachers who have made a significant contribution to the teaching and learning of mathematics or statistics in under- represented groups such as Maori, Pacific Island and female students.

Service – teachers who have made a significant contribution to the teaching and learning of mathematics and statistics in ways that extend beyond their own school community.


Prize recipients will be encouraged to share their ideas via appropriate professional development events, such as the Primary Mathematics Association (PMA) Seminar day, the #AMAOnline platform, and other events run by their local Mathematics/Statistics Associations.


Please send the completed nomination form to Associate Professor Caroline Yoon at the University of Auckland via email:

Nomination forms must be received on or before Sunday 22 September 2024.



  1. Please attach a brief CV, maximum 4 pages, giving details of your teaching career and achievements to date. Include details of any leadership roles held or awards received.
  2. Please attach reference from nominator.
  3. Completed Nomination form


  1. Late applications will not be accepted.
  2. Applicants will be competitively assessed on the basis of their application. Applicants must agree to abide by the decision of the judging panel. Applications and supporting material will not be returned to applicants. All material submitted will be used solely for the purpose of applying for the Prize and will not be circulated. No material relating to an application will be publicised without your prior approval.
  3. The judging panel reserves the right to revoke, re-award or withdraw any application from consideration for the Prize if the applicant is in breach of any of these rules.
  4. All prize winners should use their best endeavours to attend or be represented at the Prize presentation event if held.
  5. Applicants agree to do all things reasonable to participate and/or cooperate with any promotional or media activities conducted by members of the judging panel. Photographs from prize presentation may be used for promotional purposes.
  6. No contractual or other legal relationship shall arise between the members of the judging panel and applicants for the 2024 Margaret and John Kalman Charitable Trust Mathematics Teaching Prize.
  7. The Trustees of the Margaret and John Kalman Charitable Trust will review this prize every three years, at which time a decision will be made to either continue or discontinue the prize.