See the live dashboard for CensusAtSchool 2025

Over 28,400 students have taken part so far!

Kia ora koutou,

Over 28,400 students have taken part so far! Can we get another 1,600 students to take part this week to round off a fantastic term? Thank you!

Have a wonderful much-deserved holiday and we’ll be back next term with more findings from the questionnaire and more resources to share.

Ngā mihi nui,
Rachel, Anne, Pip, and Chris


Can’t remember if you have registered or not?
Check by entering your email here. If your email doesn’t come up, register hereIt’s never too late to register and take part.

Need your registration code?
Get it again here

Need your class data download link?
Get it again here

Unsure when you can take part?
Any time during school hours from Monday – it doesn’t need to be next week if it’s not convenient. The survey is open all year. 

Need help preparing?
Please ensure that you have read the essential Teacher’s Guide. All the equipment needed to take part successfully with your students is included in it.

Want to take part over multiple days?
You can divide the activity into two sessions. Use the first session to take the measurements and fill in your data cards. Use the second session to fill in the survey online. The survey itself needs to be completed in one sitting by a student. However, different students from your class can fill it in on different days, for example, if you have limited devices or some students are away.

Have another question?
Reply to this email and we’ll get right back to you! Or you can call Rachel Cunliffe on (027) 383-3746.