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Statistics Teachers’ Day 2024: Call for presenters

Friday 29th of November, is going to be another great day and it’s fast approaching! You’re probably thinking about presenting a workshop/talk at this year’s Statistics Teachers’ Day.

This year’s theme is Engaging with data. What are key aspects, ideas, or approaches that you think are important for teaching statistics? OR what’s something that you’ve changed, and what has your experience been? Choose something and build a workshop around that.

You are free to take this theme and interpret it however you like in terms of your workshop. As always, we would love to have workshops that share successful statistics teaching activities, where participants are involved in hands-on activities and where teaching is modelled. Workshops can be based on any curriculum level and/or integrate statistics and other learning areas within the New Zealand Curriculum.

Add your presenter details before Friday, 25th October, and we’ll be in touch!

Submit your details

Please share this link with colleagues who are doing great work inside (or outside!) their classrooms.

Please note that because we want to ensure a range of topics and levels, we may not be able to accept all volunteers. Contact Anna Fergusson if you have any issues completing the form.