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Lots of Resources News!

Kia ora tātou,

Welcome back! During the break, we have significantly updated our Resources section to make it easier for you to find the materials you need to teach statistics. We’d love to hear your feedback.

Discussing the Data: Health Attitudes to Being Online and Alcohol Use

A new teaching resource to help students analyse and explore the CensusAtSchool data has now been published!

CensusAtSchool collaborated with Tūturu to create a health and mathematics resource that supports teachers as they guide students through an inquiry approach to wellbeing issues.

The resource “Discussing the Data: Health Attitudes to Being Online and Alcohol Use,” includes activities for years 9-11 students and is based on CensusAtSchool data. It provides real-life learning contexts that are engaging and relevant to young people, and includes both general wellbeing data, and tailored survey questions about being online and alcohol use.

The resource was funded by the Ministry of Education and has been in development over the past two years. Contributors included experts at NZ Drug Foundation, NZHEA, Otago University, University of Canterbury, Classifications Office, Netsafe, and Alcohol Healthwatch. The resource was trialled by teachers in a number of schools across the country earlier this year.

In addition to the teaching resource, four videos were developed to help students understand the issues reflected in the CensusAtSchool data and prompt classroom discussions. A recorded webinar hosted by the Auckland Maths Association in June guided maths teachers through relevant activities, and examples of the resource in practice.

Explore the resource

More New CensusAtSchool Resources


Maths Week is coming up August 12-16. Maths Week provides free maths and stats resources for teachers and students. Register now

Nga mihi nui

Rachel, Anne, Pip, and Chris