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6 More New Resources for Teaching Statistics

Kia ora tātou,

Mānawatia a Matariki! We have a lot of brand-new resources using CensusAtSchool data to share.

New Junior Resources

Year 1: The Perfect Pizza Party

A statistical enquiry aimed at Year 1 ākonga, around designing pizza toppings for a pizza party. This lesson has strong literacy links to the letter p.

Year 1: Carry Your Bag

This lesson explores an everyday context using the PPDAC cycle to show ākonga that statistical ideas are everywhere and we can collect data to answer questions that are interesting to us.

Year 1: Cats or Dogs?

This lesson uses the PPDAC cycle to explore an investigative question that will appeal to Year 1 ākonga. Kaiako can take the lesson further by following the ideas provided to make this lesson into a series of lessons.

Year 2: Our Lost Teeth

A statistical enquiry aimed at Year 2 ākonga, around lost teeth. This includes follow-up suggestions for future discussions and data analysis over time.

Year 4: How Many Skips Can We Do in 30 Seconds?

Students are involved in all stages of the statistical enquiry cycle, from posing the investigative question, planning for and collecting data, to analysing and answering the investigative question.

New Senior Resources

Year 8: Fabulous Feet

Students are introduced to using scatter plots through the context of foot lengths. They use data from CensusAtSchool and interrogate this to see if they think the data is valid and reliable. Students then collect their own data and offer recommendations to the CensusAtSchool team to support improved validity and reliability of the data.

Nga mihi nui
Rachel, Anne, Pip, and Chris