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2022 Maths Week: August 8-12

Maths Week 2022 will be held between Monday 8 August and Friday 12 August.

This year is the 25th anniversary of Maths Week – it started in 1998. To mark the occasion, we are having a “Design a Maths Week Logo” competition for all students in
Years 1 – 11. Entries will be made on the Maths Week website during Maths Week. There will be four year-level prizes. Supplementary prizes may also be awarded.

Maths Week provides resources for teachers and students to support the mathematics and statistics curriculum. Last year, 278 000 students and 6901 teachers throughout New Zealand registered for Maths Week. Maths Week material is available free, online, to teachers, students, and the public.

Teachers who register for Maths Week also have access to answers to questions and other notes. They will have access to this material from Monday 25 July.

The aims of Maths Week are:

  • to encourage student’s interest in mathematics and statistics
  • to give teachers resources that they can use in the classroom, particularly material that requires some research and which may not be readily available to them, or that can be used electronically in class
  • to show the pleasure that mathematics can provide and some of the everyday places where it can be used
  • to give teachers material that can provide an extension.

Maths Week resources are written in five levels for all students from Year 1 through to Year 11.

Learn more: