Some ideas to help students reach their statistics and statistical literacy learning goals:
Primary and Intermediate:
- Futureintech: Bring the real world into your classroom: Learning from people in industry to highlight when, where and why we need to learn this!
- TinkerPlots: Technology for graphing and interpreting data. Have you checked out the lesson plans?
- Using literature to teach statistics A lesson plan.
- Exposing young children to activities that develop emergent inferential practices in statistics. (McPhee & Makar, 2014) Professional Reading for numeracy teachers.
- Fathom & iNZight: Technology for secondary statistics teaching.
- Herald article: on careers in statistics.
- A framework for thinking about informal statistical inference. (Makar, K. & Rubin, A., 2009) Professional reading:
- Figure: Lillian Grace was the plenary speaker at both Canterbury and Auckland Statistics Teachers day. The Figure site allows everyone be an explorer and user of data. If you or your students want data to answer a burning question this is the place to contact.
- 2015/16 Census: Have all your classes been involved? Experiencing the census at all levels of the curriculum is important for students to demonstrate that they are “managing variation” and are involved in every aspect of data collection and creation.
- Statistical displays: What about running a poster competition for Statistics week?! Below are some examples from oversea’s, how can we improve on these?
- Tour Aotearoa live! Robyn Headifen has suggested following the cycling so much much great data!
What other ideas do you have?
How are you linking with your colleagues in other subjects? How do they approach statistical literacy and use statistics in scientific (both social and the physical sciences) investigations?
Do you have an Investing in Educational Success IES project to share or would like to begin? Also let us know of any cool Stats Apps you’re using with your students.
Finally, a big thanks to teachers who are using the share resources function on CAS.
Nga mihi
The CensusAtSchool Team