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Secondary Mathematics and Statistics Newsletter Term 1 2016

This first term newsletter is important reading for all secondary mathematics and statistics teachers.

Upcoming workshops for current PLD are advertised and useful links and tips are provided by Derek Smith and the national facilitation team.

Secondary Mathematics and Statistics Newsletter Term 1 2016

Derek has also sent through some other interesting links that didn’t make it into the newsletter:

Some reminders:

NZAMT14 Conference workshop resources


2015 Ernest Duncan Award Winner Ricky Pedersen has offered to make his Critical Thinking Booklet available for download.  


Interesting bits and pieces

Some research on happiness in schools for your interest. It would be interesting to ask your faculty members, and yourself, “What makes you happy during the school day or during a lesson?”
Some interesting data sets from a NZ long term study:


TED Talks links to videos


An ERO publication


Learning geometry via Origami 


Why is learning fraction arithmetic so difficult? From STEM Learning

A look at the methods of teaching fraction arithmetic in Shanghai  


Learning maths through song and dance 

Hope that your athletics and Swimming sports day are progessing well while the country enjoys the settled weather we are enjoying.


Our hearts go out to the people in Canterbury as they wrestle with nature.


Näku i roto i ngä mihi, nä



Derek Smith|Mathematics National Co-ordinator/Central South Facilitator (Secondary)|Education Support Services|

Te Tapuae o Rehua Consortium Mau ki te ako|University of Otago College of Education|021 913 150|