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Mid Term 4 Updates for November Mathematics and Statistics


Some information regarding the next few weeks.

The Statistical Education day at the NZ Statistical Association conference on Wednesday 26 November: cutoff for registrations on Thurdsay 20 November

The conference organisers invite teachers to attend this day. Details are on the conference website. At upper left, see 7th green button.

Advertisement for the Bevan Werry Speaker

I have now been a Bevan Werry speaker for one year, and in that capacity I have been visiting mathematics associations around the country, talking to teachers and students of mathematics. I have been engaged in mathematics outreach activities in Wellington for a number of years, and the Bevan Werry speakership has let me present some of those activities to a larger audience. The general theme of the exercises is to expose students to profound ideas from modern mathematics that don’t play a part in NCEA assessment. So I have played combinatorial games with students in Christchurch, tied students into knots in Greymouth, and set students in Palmerston North on a search for a ‘busy beaver’ function.

If you would like to discuss a visit to your school or association, please contact me at

NZ data website – Wiki New Zealand 

Gathering all our data in one place and making it visual


Thursday 27th Maths and Stats teachers day investigating the link between schools and university through level 3 standards.  A link to that website is here 11th December.  The Royal Society presents “The Art of Mathematics” with Prof Marcus Du Sautoy.  See below for details.

Kia pai to rā


Mathematics National Co-ordinator/Central South Facilitator (Secondary).
Education Support Services
University of Otago College of Education
PO Box 56 Dunedin 9054
Mau ki te ako-Te Tapuae o Rehua Consortium
M: 021 913 150

Middle Leaders Website
Mathematics resources