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Term 4 Mathematics and Statistics Update

Kia orana all,

Not long before the seniors leave for external achievement examinations study!

1: L1 Internal exemplars updated on NZQA
These have been posted, except for 91033….not sure why the latter is not there yet.

2: Scholarships for tertiary studies
Grouped the scholarships in three categories:
Company-funded – scholarships from DairyNZ, Fulton Hogan, Hubbards, New Zealand Steel, Orion Health, Plant & Food Research, Rakon, Scion, Transpower, Transfield Worley, Westland Milk Products.
Other organisations – Royal Society of New Zealand, EPECentre, Zonta International, Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ), Australasian Hydrographic Society, NZ Institute of Surveyors, Edna Waddell Scholarships for Women in Technology & Engineering.
Māori + Pasifika – scholarships specifically for Māori and Pasifika students offered by trusts, iwi and other organisations.
other support:
Tertiary providers – polytechnics, institutes of technology and universities – are another good source of information, and generally have a Scholarships Office that can help you look for financial support for your studies:
University Scholarships Offices
Polytechnic and Institute of Technology Scholarships Offices
See also:
Cadetships – find out how you can complete a diploma or degree in engineering, surveying, CAD draughting or IT while working in industry.
Course Finder – use our database of tertiary-level technology, engineering and science courses to explore what and where to study.
BreakOut is the website with the most comprehensive lists of awards, scholarships and grants. To read it online you have to pay a subscription but paper copies are held at most libraries and citizens advice bureaus (CAB) around the country.
StudyLink – information about student loans and allowances.

3: WMA November events
November has lots of treasures in store.
Friday 14th HOD Day at Gear Homestead  9.00 – 3.00   $40 Registration_forms_2014 HOD Day

Thurs 20th PRT Day at The Dowse  9.00 – 3.00   Free  SignupsheetforVUWgraduatesPRTDay

Wed 26th   Ed day at NZSA conference VUW  1.00 – 4.00  $40  NZSA Conference Stat Education and Applications invite

Thurs 27th Maths & Stats teacher day at VUW  9.00 – 3.00  Free MathsStatsTeacherDayProgramme (1)

Note that the MMP day pencilled in for 1 November has been cancelled.
WMA contact: Bruce Welsh

Kia pai to rā

Mathematics National Co-ordinator/Central South Facilitator (Secondary)
Education Support Services
University of Otago College of Education
PO Box 56 Dunedin 9054
Mau ki te ako-Te Tapuae o Rehua Consortium
M: 021 913 150
Middle Leaders Website
Mathematics resources