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CMA Statistics Day – Abstracts now available

Fostering Statistical Confidence
After a strong Year 13 focus in previous years the CMA plan to give an overview of Senior Statistics in general – an insight into iNZight, researching the use of research and experimenting with experiments.
 When: Thursday the 13th of November, 8:30 – 4pm.
Where: Univerity of Canterbury Undercroft 101 (click for map)
Who: Lillian Grice as our Plenary Speaker and 14 other presenters. (See the attachment for an abstract and Session A – D descriptions)
Cost: $20 members, $40 non-members (includes 2014 membership; invoice attached with flyer)
Full abstracts of workshops:  Workshop sign up:
Food kindly provided by the Univeristy of Canterbury.
Please contact CMA if you require transport from the airport.
Should be a great day!
Kristian Giles
Secretary for the CMA