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Updates to NZ Grapher

Jake Wills from Westlake Boys High School has created a Youtube channel for those of you getting started with NZGrapher with some tutorial videos on it. You can access this here:

Recent changes include:

  • Added in informal confidence intervals for dot plots (this if for the Year 12 internal)
  • Changed the way the labels for this button appear as well to make it more clear what each one does.

The following changes have also been made in an attempt to get students to write about what they see rather than what is calculated as a first step:

  • Scatter plots no longer automatically add in the trend line, this must be added in by clicking the ‘Regression Line’ button.
  • Dot plots no longer automatically show the summary statistics or box and whiskers, this must be added in by clicking the ‘Summaries’ or ‘Box Plots’ buttons.

MathsNZ and NZGrapher are free for you to use. If you want Jake to create a folder for you so you can upload your own datasets for all your students to access easily without having to download them and re-upload them, contact Jake at MathsNZ.