See the live dashboard for CensusAtSchool 2025

Welcome back!

We hope you had a refreshing, relaxing summer holiday. 2014 will be another busy year supporting teachers at CensusAtSchool.

Best wishes for a great start to the school year!

New resources

The Auckland Mathematics Association and the Department of Statistics hosted the annual Statistics Teachers Day at the end of 2013.

Teaching resources, videos and links are available here.

The quality of presentations and work on the new standards trialed in classrooms across the North Island, was superb. CensusAtSchool would like to thank all presenters who shared their time and work to make the event a success.

Thank you!

Thank you very much for feedback to our survey – the findings were unanimous that CensusAtSchool is a much needed resource for teaching Statistics and therefore funding looks set to continue this year!

Senior Survey

Your feedback asked for a “senior” survey which has a focus on issues of interest to years 11-13 students.

This is currently being discussed, so if you have any further ideas for questions or questionnaire design please email us.