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Content and Context

NZ Statistical Association (NZSA) Curricular and Assessment Statements

American Statistical Association (ASA)

Strategies and Pedagogy

Enrichment and Promotional

The New Zealand Schooling System

The New Zealand Mathematics and Statistics Curriculum is divided into 8 levels of learning. Below is a summary of the NZC levels and associated Learning Progression Framework (for students aged 5 to 13) and NCEA levels (NZ national assessment) if applicable. There is a degree of flexibility within these guidelines for students to learn subject content earlier or later than the guidelines. New Zealand students typically start school at 5 years of age.

NZ Curriculum Year at School Age (Approx) Learning Progression NCEA
Level 1 1-2 5-7 yrs After 1 yr, After 2 yrs
Level 2 3-4 7-9 yrs After 3 yrs, After 4 yrs
Level 3 5-6 9-11 yrs After 5 yrs, After 6 yrs
Level 4 7-8 11-13 yrs After 7 yrs, After 8 yrs
Level 5 9-10 13-15 yrs
Level 6 11 15-16 yrs Level 1
Level 7 12 16-17 yrs Level 2
Level 8 13 17-18 yrs Level 3

Learning Progression Frameworks

The University of Auckland’s Department of Statistics recommends AS3.10 Use Statistical Methods to make a Formal Inference, AS3.9 Investigate Bivariate Measurement Data, and AS3.13 Apply Probability Concepts in Solving Problems as a statistics core course for the approved subject Statistics or for a Mathematics course for students hoping to proceed to study Statistics at University.

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