Visualising chance: A pilot study at the introductory level (Senior secondary/Tertiary)

Stephanie Budgett and Maxine Pfannkuch (Department of Statistics, The University of Auckland) reported on a pilot study involving four introductory probability students. Currently the students learn about conditional probability and independence through using numeric two-way tables, tree diagrams and mathematics. We designed two computer-based prototype tools: an eikosogram for visualising independence and a pachinkogram linked to an eikosogram for visualising conditioning. We also designed tasks using these tools. Our research findings indicated that the visualisations have the potential to enhance students’ probabilistic reasoning. Participants in the workshop were able to work through one of the pilot study tasks.

Note: technical support for the apps and links is not available, as these are prototypes are under development. The statistical software package R is a requirement to run the Independence application.

Teachers Day Presentation Budgett Pfannkuch 2014

Diabetes Task Handout

GenderEye Colour

Independence App
