See the live dashboard for CensusAtSchool 2025

STEW, STatistics Education Web

Following the Gaise Report in the United States, the American Statistical Association (ASA) has provided teachers with peer reviewed lesson plans for teaching  Probability and Statistics at all levels.

The STatistics Education Web, STEW, website lists the appropriate year level (beginning with K-Kindergarten age through to Year 12), and the content focus of lessons.

The ASA also run an annual competition for teachers who wish to submit lesson plans, see competition details.

There are learning activities on each of the international Census at School websites. These ready-to-use activities designed by international teachers help students graph and analyze their own survey data and compare them with national and international results. You can adapt these international lesson plans for use with New Zealand Census at School data.

The lessons can be found at the following websites:



South Africa:

United Kingdom: