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Analysing NCEA statistics for inquiry into teaching and learning

Louise Addison presented a workshop at the 2014 Statistics Teachers Day. This day was jointly organised by the Auckland Mathematics Association and the University of Auckland Department of Statistics.

This presentation was about aspects of Louise’s masters research, undertaken in 2014. An exert from her abstract:

The study found that use of a statistical inquiry process alongside thinking statistically, and the statistical concepts of variation, representation and inference were essential to meaningful interpretation and use of NCEA data. The integration of data use and inquiry required for the effective use of NCEA data was not captured in current frameworks of either data use or inquiry. A proposed integrated framework of data use for inquiry is suggested and discussed as a way schools could examine their inquiry practices alongside a framework of the statistical understanding required for effective inquiry using NCEA data.

If you have any questions about Louise’s research please contact

Analysing NCEA data to inquire into teaching and learning

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