See the live dashboard for CensusAtSchool 2023-2024

How far until it stops?

Dr Sarah Howell & Michelle Freeman (Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu) presented resources for exploring  an authentic and relevant context for teaching statistics. For students this context is best understood in both theory and practice!

This hands-on workshop gave teachers a chance to experience for themselves the stages of the PPDAC enquiry cycle within an authentic, engaging, relevant and important context of vehicle and road safety. Teachers posed a question, analysed data, related it to the context and formed a conclusion. This workshop was intended for teachers wanting to build their understanding about carrying out statistical investigations using the PPDAC cycle and gives a context and resources to take back to school. This material is primarily aimed at teachers of Years 9-11 (although it may be useful for Years 7-8 teachers as well).

AMA Stats-day-How-far-until-it-stops-nov-2016

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