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Changing Needs in a Changing World

There is a rapidly increasing awareness throughout society of the so-called “data deluge”: the explosion in quantities of data being collected, the explosion of settings in which it is being collected, and expansions in the conceptions and scope of what constitutes data. This is accompanied by advances in ways of understanding data, particularly via computer-based visualisation. Foundations are being laid in the statistics strand of the New Zealand curriculum for living in this new world. This involves moving on from some of the traditional ways of “doing statistics” that we have become comfortable with and changing emphasis from the details of how we “do statistics” to focussing on underlying fundamental ways of reasoning and thinking. In this talk we will address these issues with a particular emphasis on statistical inference at Year 13.

Plenary: “The coming of age of statistics education in New Zealand” by Sharleen Forbes This talk gives a history of advances of statistics education in New Zealand, highlighting its central characters, and is entirely new to everyone except those who attended in Auckland.

Plenary:  “Changing Needs in a Changing World” by Chris Wild and Maxine Pfannkuch

Part 1:  Chris Wild.  The video footage from the 10th to the 29th minute of the video, which demonstrates how bootstrapping and randomisation techniques rapidly generalise, is entirely new for those who attended Teachers’ Day 2012 in Auckland.

Part II: Maxine Pfannkuch.  This video footage is entirely new for Road Tour attendees in Auckland and Wellington