CensusAtSchool 2007 data subset (15,000 rows)

A subset of 15 000 data records from the 2007 NZ CensusAtSchool survey.

Resource files for teachers or students to use for sampling and analysis using software other than CensusAtSchools.


CensusAtSchool 2007 data subset (as .xlsx)

CensusAtSchool 2007 data subset (as .csv)

Full list of 2007 variables and questions

These are the variables (or attributes) in the 2007 survey:

Qualitative Variables

gender = boy/girl

handed = left or right handed or ambidextrous

travel = travel to school today was mainly on

timetravel = time to travel to school today (mins)

getlunch = where got lunch from today


sportother/tākaro = sport / activity

tech… = technology you have

cellsource = money for cell phone comes from

breakfast… = had … for breakfast today

favwebsite = favourite website

favtvshow = favourite tv show

region = location of school within NZ

livingnz / nohokiaotearoa = best thing about living in NZ

betternz / paiakeaotearoa = how to make NZ better

Quantitative Variables

age = age in yrs at 1st Sept, 2007

languages = languages spoken

height = height to nearest centimetre (cm)

rightfoot = length of right foot (cm)

armspan = width of arm span (cm)

hairlength = length of hair (cm)

reaction = reaction time  (secs)

celltxtsend = number of txt messages sent yesterday

celltxtrec = number of txt messages received yesterday

cellcost = monthly cell phone bill

bedtime = bedtime last night

importwarm = importance of global warming

importpollution = importance of reducing pollution

importwater = importance of conserving water

importlifestyle = importance of having a healthy lifestyle

year = school year level