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A Model and Modelling approach – Anne Patel

This workshop presented part of Anne’s PhD research using a MEA (Model Eliciting Activity) to develop students’ understanding of the power of models and modelling. A modelling approach can strengthen students reasoning about chance and data ideas simultaneously. Anne designed an MEA and Follow Up Tasks (FUTs) which required students to build a model and reason about underlying randomness in data. Teachers experienced and discussed pedagogy that reconnects data and chance learning experiences. The tasks were designed for Year 7-8 students but are suitable for Year 9-10.

Papers related to Anne’s Phd include:

Patel, A. & Pfannkuch, M. (2019) Students’ emerging conceptual development in a data modeling environment, Mathematics Teaching and Learning, Special Edition. Taylor & Francis. (In press)

Patel, A. (2019) Reforming and reclaiming probability, CensusAtSchool.

Patel, A. & Pfannkuch, M. (2018) Developing a statistical modeling framework to characterize Year 7   students’ reasoning. ZDM.

Patel, A. & Pfannkuch, M. (2018) Scaffolding Year 8 students’ statistical modelling reasoning using Follow Up Tasks to a Model Eliciting Activity. In Proceedings ICOTS 10 Kyoto, Japan.

If you would like professional development regarding a modelling approach please contact Anne:

2018 Stats Day

PM MEA & FU 2017

PM models and letters