Dead men DO Tell Tales and other Statistical Stories

Richard Mackrory from Albany Senior High School, presents at the 2013 joint Auckland Mathematics Association and Department of Statistics (University of Auckland) Statistics Teachers Day.

For statistical insight (and thereby excellence grades) to really be  accessible to all students, teachers need to help them provide depth to their discussion through both contextual and statistical knowledge. Students should not only consider context in their interpretation of statistics but use it to shape and adapt their investigations. This can only be done if we replace the rote reporting and explanations of correlation coefficients etc. with a real understanding of key statistical concepts, such as scatter, which can be explained contextually so that the value of predictions and limitations of conclusions can be properly evaluated and appreciated.To do this effectively requires the right context and the development of critical thinking skills. Richard explores contexts and activities to meet the needs described.

Stats Day 291581  

Bivariate Measurement Data ASSESSMENT

Richard’s contact details are with the assessment. When using the assessment, please consider the usefulness of the resource to others, by limiting student access to the electronic or written schedule.