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Statistical Reasoning with Data Cards Webinar

Anna-Marie Fergusson (The University of Auckland) presented a workshop and webinar on Statistical Reasoning with Data Cards

“Using data cards in the teaching of statistics can be a powerful way to build students’ statistical reasoning. Important understandings related to working with multivariate data, posing statistical questions, recognizing sampling variation and thinking about models can be developed. The use of real-life data cards involves hands-on and visual-based activities.”

Anna’s work using physical data cards and digital technology supports pedagogy required to effectively teach statistical reasoning. This talk presented material from the Meeting Within a Meeting (MWM) Statistics Workshop for Mathematics and Science teachers held at JSM Chicago (2016) which can be used in classrooms to support teaching statistical thinking and reasoning. Key teaching and learning ideas that underpin the activities were also discussed.

Here are the files that accompany Anna’s webinar:  webinar files statistical reasoning with data cards

Please share this excellent resource widely with your teaching colleagues and post any feedback you have about the resources or webinar.