See the live dashboard for CensusAtSchool 2025

Kiwi Kapers 1

Kiwi Kapers 1 uses a simulated data set of Kiwis to explore some of the big ideas including sampling variation and making inferences.

This data file contains a fictitious kiwi population based on actual counts and values from NZ kiwi populations. There are 700 kiwis in the population.  The variables recorded are:

  • species (GS, NIBr, Tok – short for Great Spotted, North Island brown and Tokoeka)
  • location (CW- Central Westland,  E-East North Island,  EC-Eastern Canterbury, N-Northland,  NF-North Fiordland,  NWN- North West Nelson,  SF- south Fiordland,  StI-Stewart Island,  W-West North Island))
  • weight (kg)
  • height (cm)
  • gender (F or M) have been recorded.
