Authentic connections – using mathematics and statistics in other learning areas

TLIF  (Teacher Led Innovation Fund) @ MHJC (Mission Heights Junior College)

Chandana, Tashi, Anzar and team, 

This innovation supported an identified need for an integrated/cross-curriculum approach as MHJC “step outside the bounds of curriculum areas” (Sandretto, 2012, p. 3) and away from an “orthodox curriculum focus” (Hipkins, 2012, p. 2) – this investigation at its heart is based on the premise of using curriculum areas other than mathematics as an authentic context for integrating statistical and probabilistic concepts (our initial starting point), and supporting teachers to think outside the box of the formal curriculum subject demarcations and moving away from a strictly mathematics focus. This workshop shared the teaching/learning experiences, from within the classroom, which have resulted from this project.

Link to resources: Slides