Year 5 Exploring Census: Teaching Plan

A teaching plan covering statistics and probability achievement objectives

Session 1: Introduction to data science and statistics

  • Introduction to data science and statistics
  • Finding out about Dollar Street, New Zealand Census, and CensusAtSchool websites

Session 2: What is a census?

  • Understanding what a census is, in particular, what is the census of population and dwellings in New Zealand.
  • Exploring migration and birthplace statistics from the 2018 census – connecting to Whakapapa me te whanaungatanga | Culture and identity from Aotearoa New Zealand histories curriculum

Session 3: Introduction to CensusAtSchool

  • Familiarisation with the CensusAtSchool website
  • Finding out about the CensusAtSchool databases by looking at the questionnaires and the metadata for different variables in the different databases
  • Exploring data for the whole database

Session 4: Making measures

  • Learning about survey questions, and how to plan to make measures consistently across New Zealand
  • Making measures and preparing for data entry

Session 5: Doing the CensusAtSchool survey

  • Finding out about the survey and how CensusAtSchool manages privacy
  • Students enter their data into the online questionnaire
  • Introduction to Common Online Data Analysis Platform – CODAP, a free browser-based statistical analysis tool

Session 6: Getting to know the class

  • Learning about ethical considerations
  • Making and describing data visualisations

Session 7: Creating survey questions

  • Using the context analysis tool to identify ideas to explore
  • Interrogate chosen ideas as to the suitability, especially ethics
  • Developing survey questions to collect the data

Session 8: Data collection methods

  • Making predictions (Pets data)
  • Collecting data using data cards (Pets data)
  • Exploring data collection methods (getting to know the class)
  • Collecting their own data for their survey questions (getting to know the class)
  • Reflecting on data collection methods
  • Creating a “rectangular” spreadsheet of their data (getting to know the class)

Session 9: Exploring the class data using CODAP

  • Making data visualisations – using data cards and CODAP
  • Writing about data visualisations – using “I notice…” statements

Session 10: Sharing findings and critiquing findings of others

  • Preparing findings for sharing with others
  • Sharing their findings
  • Critiquing the findings of others

Session 11: CensusAtSchool class data

  • Posing investigative questions from our class CensusAtSchool data
  • Making and describing data displays
  • Answering our investigative questions – conclusion

Session 12: How do we compare with other students of a similar age?

  • Posing investigative questions about another group from CensusAtSchool – similar age
  • Downloading data from CensusAtSchool to use
  • Making and describing data displays
  • Communicating findings

Session 13: Introduction to probability

  • Exploring words used to describe probability
  • Exploring chance statements in stories

Session 14: Dice misconceptions

  • Exploring claims about dice with probability experiments

Sessions 15-16: Biased bingo

  • Exploring probability beyond coin tossing and dice rolling
  • Exploring a probability activity where the theoretical probability of a certain outcome can be calculated

Session 17: Fair spinners

  • Use spinners to conduct probability experiments.
  • Compare probabilities from experiments with what is expected in theory
  • Use technology to do many repeats of a probability experiment

Session 18: Blog post for an external audience

  • Students are communicating findings to an external audience
  • Using technology to communicate findings