NZ Visitor Numbers (Quarterly)

Quarterly time series of the average numbers of visitors in New Zealand on any given day (by country) for 2000-2015.

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Visitors – average number in New Zealand each day by country of residence (Quarterly)

Retrieved 14 March 2016 from Infoshare
Series: Visitors – average number in New Zealand each day by country of residence (Qrtly-Mar/Jun/Sep/Dec)

Column headers have been simplified.


  • The United Kingdom also includes the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.
  • The number of visitors in New Zealand is estimated from a sample of records, using day of arrival and intended length of stay. It is calculated for each day within the selected period and averaged.
  • For detailed metadata about countries used in International Travel and Migration statistics, see DataInfo+.
  • The country of residence is the country where a visitor arriving in New Zealand last lived for 12 months or more (country of last permanent residence).

Table reference: ITM280AA

Last updated: 01 February 2016 10:45am

Source: Statistics New Zealand

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