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Reconnecting Data and Chance

Tinker Plots is now available via LearnTroop. Get a team of teachers together and have a play with this powerful dynamic model building (the Sampler) and data analysis technology that allows students to see the “chance in data and the data in chance”.

An important professional reading that you might like to discuss with colleagues before you begin is Reconnecting Data and Chance by Cliff Konold and Sibel Kazak.

This 2008 paper is a seminal work and sets the scene for the next shift in Statistics Education. A must read for teachers of probability and statistics.

The Tinkerplots website is a treasure trove of educational ideas. The activities allow students to verify or challenge their intuition about randomness and probability, and develop their understanding of concepts like experimental versus theoretical probability. Every activity comes with a student worksheet and detailed teacher notes.

Using these activities and links, students can become data and probability modelers and build their data visualization skills at the same time!

Data analysis and Modeling activites

Randomness and Chance activities

Number sense activities

If you develop resources using Tinker Plots or otherwise and would like to share please contact CAS. We would love to host resources trialled on classes to help other teachers.