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SCR Making Stats more awesome – statistical investigation ideas

Helen Teal (Whangarei Girls’ High School) gave an insight into what Whangarei Girls’ High School are trialing in order to make stats more awesome and how they are moving towards more student centered learning practices in Mathematics and Statistics. This workshop will cover how they are producing students who love learning and feel confident about stats – even those with lower abilities. You will see examples of strategies and tools they are trialing such as threading Number throughout their course as well as using big, problem solving tasks to make stats more engaging, relevant and more like what they will encounter in real life or Level 1 NCEA. You will also see rubrics they have developed to assess each curriculum level as well as to assess deeper thinking for each assessment task. Although the focus will be on Statistics, this workshop will also include other aspects of the Mathematics curriculum, as well as how these practices are also proving successful in the senior school.



(S) Favourite colour (Years 7-8)

(S) How many people in the same house as us? (Years 7-8)

(R) Height versus (half) arm span (Years 8-9)

(R) Helicopter rotor length (Year 9)

(C) Comparison investigation ideas (Year 9-10)

(S) Plan a class party (Year 7-10)