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Probability – Planning to learn

Grant Ritchie and Michelle Dalrymple asked teachers “is junior probability just about rolling dice and playing games at your school? Is it often left to the end of the year as a filler?  During this workshop, Grant and Michelle demonstrated hands-on activities that have been chosen to deliberately develop key probability thinking in preparation for senior school.  They discussed how they are working with their teachers to think about why they use particular probability tasks, what are the learning intentions, where does it fit into the bigger learning programme for that year and beyond?

Resources: Our workshop powerpoint is here. Note – Anna’s modelling tool can now be found here. (Please note that this is the same workshop presented at CMA Statistics Teachers’ Day 2015)

Probability…the pathway to Year 13 from Year 9 
Abstract:  This workshop focused on unpacking the key probability learning concepts at each curriculum level.  The aim was to assist teachers in developing a pathway in probabilistic thinking that is appropriate at each level.  There were opportunity for teachers to evaluate where their school is currently at, and to identify what sequential building blocks are needed for students. Teacher’s shared probability activities they have found worked well in their classes. Workshop attendees brought a copy of their school’s current probability progressions.
Resources: Our workshop powerpoint is here.

Developing students’ probability thinking and probability literacy (Levels 3 – 5)
Resources: Our workshop powerpoint is here.

This work is in line with Statistics Education research calling for the reconnection of the statistics and probability strands of curricula.