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Video: Comparing Series [ 4 min]

It is often interesting and useful to compare several series in terms of trend and seasonal patterns. How do the trends compare? How big are the seasonal effects for one series compared to another? Do they all behave in the same way at the same times? What oddities stand out in the plots?
(See also the Review Questions following the movie)

[Illustrated transcript (pdf)]

After you’ve watched this video, you should be able to answer these questions:

  • When we are plotting several related series so that we can compare the patterns in them, what are the strengths and the weaknesses of a plot that puts all of the series on the same graph?
  • When we are plotting several related series so that we can compare the patterns in them, what are the strengths and the weaknesses of a plot that puts all of the series on their own separate graphs?
  • What types of feature of each series can we compare using the iNZight graphs?